Typical for my approach to assessments is my genuine interest in a person. I look beyond the behavioral level. What offers you energy and where can you fulfil your potential are questions that are relevant in this context. I combine this personal approach with thorough knowledge of the private and public sector, the needs of organizations and the skills required for various positions. The assessment is preceded by an intake session, in which we jointly determine which questions the assessment must address.
In larger projects a project team will be formed. This team will consist of assessment psychologists with work experience at highly reputed firms like Ebbinge & Company, Berenschot and Leeuwendaal. Loeper will be responsible for the performance of the project team and maintain contact with the client. Loeper combines a focus on quality with a strong personal focus. The assessments are held at the office in The Hague or another desired location. We are happy to tell you more about our assessments and to introduce our team of psychologists.